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Frederi Chiu in blue dress

Disklavier Remote Lesson with Frederic Chiu on The Cunningham Piano Show

In this episode, we meet world renowned pianist and Yamaha Artist Frederic Chiu at the Hartt School of Music in Connecticut, where he demonstrates a Remote Lesson using a Yamaha Disklavier CFX concert grand to teach piano students in Moscow. Participants in both countries use Disklaviers to play each other’s pianos and cameras to see each other in a live video stream. Each pianist’s touch on the keyboard, ranging from delicate nuances to powerful rapid attacks, are perfectly captured and transmitted to the other piano thousands of miles away. Even pedal strokes are replicated with incredible precision. The result is a new way of teaching that connects teachers with students anywhere in the world while preserving the full acoustic experience of every pianistic action, making it sound and feel as if the remote pianist were right in the same room. Frederic Chiu is a remarkable musical pioneer with his explorations into how various facets of the human experience find their nexus in the piano. His early adoptions of piano technologies such as the GranTouch hybrid pianos also led him to participate in the development of the Yamaha CFX concert grand and the Disklavier. Frederic has been a Yamaha artist since 1988, and has recorded all the piano works of Prokofiev among his oeuvre of nearly 30 albums.